Infinity War honest opinion on Dr. Strange spell casting

In Doctor strange movie they mention living tribunal when strange was training.. So we know living tribunal exists in mcu.. But in Infinity War strange never mentioned any spells..

He just did the magic.. If he mentioned those spells then we can be sure beings like vishanti or hoary hoggoth exist in mcu.. Although the magic is obvious and pointing out the same magic from the comics..

 Doctor Strange comic reader fans pretty disappointed in the lack of spells being chanted during the movies..(Bloopers would have been awesome with how difficult the pronunciation would be)


Anyway here is the main reason why they changed it in the mcu:

Fave mention this just not for infinity war they changed it from chanting spells to different hand signals for the spells this was more cinematic and had a greater effect on screen then changing the tone by chanting spells..

They even hired a special hand motion dancer to create the different hand motions for doctor strange spells..

In fact, that was a huge part of the 1st movie because he lost the ability to use his hands fully in he was taught by the ancient one he didn't need to have full hand motion or a full range of motion in his hands to be able to cast these spells.. 

what you think would be better??
Let me know through comment down below..